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CFTRI Recruitment 2025 (Jobs,Vacancies): Subscribe & get latest Recruitment Notifications on CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute) for Project Assistant (Level II),Technician/ Fireman / Work Asst, Assistant Grade-III, junior Stenographer & Junior Hindi Translator etc through Freshersworld. Central Food Technological Research Institute(CTFRI) Recruitment for freshers, CSIR − Central Food Technological Research Institute(CFTRI),Mysore (A constituent lab of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi) appeared amid 1950 with the colossal vision of its authors, and a system of moving and additionally committed researchers who had an interest to seek after inside and out innovative work in the zones of sustenance food science and technology. CFTRI Resource Centre, Hyderabad :The centre, after shifting to Hyderabad (1968),also continued to work on exploring different agri-products. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,in pursuance of the decision of the Planning Commission, approved a Scheme in 1962 for the establishment of Regional Research Stations for fruits and vegetables preservation in various parts of the country under the control of CFTRI.The centre subsequently expanded its activities to percolate science & technology and disseminate CFTRI technologies to the needy people for establishing food and allied industries in the region through training program such as EDPs, TCs, TDPs, and QC training programs by tapping the funds from other organizations such as NABARD, NIRD, DRDA, NGOs and other Governmental agencies. CFTRI Resource Centre, Mumbai:After the project oriented system of research and development was introduced in 1964, the Regional Research Stations were transformed into Experiment Stations with the specific role of ascertaining the food resources in various parts of the country and also rendering assistance in agro-based food industry development of the country.The Centre is equipped with decent facilities and expertise in the area of Processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables. CFTRI Resource Centre, Lucknow:Resource Centre, Lucknow from its inception has been working to meet the well establish objectives for which the centre was planned.Resource Centre subsequently expanded its activities to percolate food science & technology and disseminating of CFTRI food/agro based technologies to the needy people for establishing food and allied industries in the northern region through human resource development programme such as entrepreneurship development programmes, awareness programme, demonstration cum training programme, counseling services to the prospective entrepreneurs, NGO’s, Industrialists etc.

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Last Updated: 03-03-2025 06:41:07 PM