Duty Medical Officer Jobs in Hyderabad - Navjeevan Hospitals
Job Description
To take proper history of the patient (if he is in a position to give it on his own) or from his relatives.
4. Check any pr To evious record of illness ,medication, Drug allergy, if available
5. Write down all the details in the Initial assessment sheet according to Proforma and undersigned after completion of case record.
6. Let the patient or his relative go through all the details and take his signature on the Initial assessment sheet.
7. Instruct the nursing staff about the necessary orders to be carried out and cross check.
8. If there’s a transfer of inpatient from ICU, read the transfer summary carefully, see the patient, examine him thoroughly and instruct the nurse on duty to carry out the orders.
9. Inform the respective consultants and carry out their orders, inform the nursing staff if any changes need to be made.
10. To take rounds and examine individual patients while joining duty and before completion of duty, inform the respective consultants if any new findings investigation reports and carryout respective orders.
11. To enter the details of each and every patient in the case sheets with time, date of examination and duly signed with full name after completion.
13. To follow up with consultant all the investigations to be seen and trace their results, inform the Consultant, note down investigation results in the investigation sheet and with special reference to critical values and results.
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