HAL jobs for Trade Apprentices in Lucknow. Last Date to apply: 30 Jun 2022
Job Description
Sub: Engagement of Trade Apprentices for Apprentice Training under Apprentice Act 1961 (2022-23). Requirements of Eligibility and Rules/Terms for applying for the purpose of selection for Apprentice Training at HAL Lucknow are as undermentioned
Sub: Engagement of Trade Apprentices for Apprentice Training under Apprentice Act 1961 (2022-23). Requirements of Eligibility and Rules/Terms for applying for the purpose of selection for Apprentice Training at HAL Lucknow are as undermentioned
Advertisement for Engagement of Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961 is undermentioned
1. Post Name: Trade Apprentices
2. Technical Qualification:
a. ITI candidates having National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT (National Council of Vocational Training)/ SCVT (State Council of Vocational Training) from Government/Affiliated Institutes in the following Trades: Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Machinist Grinder, Welder, Electronics Mechanic, Electrician, Instrument Mechanic, Electroplater, Refrigeration/AC, Draughtsman Mechanical, COPA/PASAA. Candidates must have passed ITI in the years 2019, 2020, and 2021
b. Candidate should possess Pass Certificate as on date of application.
c. Candidates with the status “Appearing” or “Result Awaited” shall not be considered eligible to apply.
d. Candidates with pending Back Papers or whose Supplementary Exam results are awaited will also be not considered eligible.
3. Educational Qualification:
a. Turner, Fitter, Electrician, Machinist, Machinist Grinder, Draughtsman Mechanic- High School(Science and Maths) in (10+2) system or equivalent
b. Electronics Mechanic, Refrigeration and AC, Instrument Mechanic, Electroplater, Welder- High School in (10+2) System or equivalent
c. COPA/PASAA- possessing National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT/SCVT
(III) Stipend will be payable to Trade (ITI) Apprentices as per Apprentices Act 1961
(IV) Candidates pursuing apprentice training or having completed apprentice training will not be eligible to apply.
4. Duration of Training will be One year
Job Particulars
Education Certificate Course (ITI)
Who can apply Freshers
Hiring Process Written-test, Face to Face Interview
Employment TypeApprenticeship
Job Id1503558
Job Category Govt Jobs , Apprenticeship , Maintenance
Locality Address
State Uttar Pradesh
Country India
About Company
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), the history and growth of the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is synonymous with the growth of the Aeronautical industry in India over the past 70 years. The Company which had its origin as the Hindustan Aircraft Company was incorporated on 23 Dec 1940 at Bangalore by Shri Walchand Hirachand a farsighted visionary in association with the Government of Mysore with an Authorised Capital of Rs.4 crores (Paid up capital Rs.40 lakhs) and with the aim of manufacturing aircraft in India.
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