ICTS recruitment for Research Asst. in Bangalore
Job Description
Research Asst./ Project Scientist-B Job vacancies in International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS)
Research Asst./1 Post
Project Scientist-B/1 Post
Qualification:BTech in Chemical/ Mechanical/ Aerospace / Civil or related subject or MSc in Physics/ Mathematics or a related subject.Experience in scientific computation.A very strong academic record may apply.
Desirable: Familiarity with fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, and related topics.Familiarity with probability and statistics.Familiarity with ordinary and partial differential equations,An interest in basic research and ability to commit one year to this project.
Job Profile and Tenure: Research Assistant: Research on simplified models of the dynamics of the Indian summer monsoon; Analysis of various data sets related to this phenomenon.
Tenure: Initial appointment will be for 1 year which may be extended (yearly) up to 3 years depending upon performance and requirement of the Centre. Project Scientist B: Studies on mixing in the upper layers of oceans.Tenure: One Year
Upper Age Limiit: None
Job Particulars
About Company
The International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was founded in 2007. Its aim is to foster excellence in the basic sciences through its programs, interactions and cross-fertilization between disciplines and be a node for scientific information and values.