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NLC Recruitment 2025: Find & Apply online for Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) jobs across India. Subscribe to get latest recruitment notifications & updates on NLC through, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) is a government-owned corporation lignite mining and power generating company in India.NLC Ltd., a “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise, Under the Ministry of Coal, earning profits for over three decades and poised for rapid growth in terms of Mining Activities and Power Generation. NLC’s growth is sustained and its contribution to India’s social and economic development is significant. A pioneer among the public sector undertakings in energy sector, NLC operates Three Opencast Lignite Mines of total capacity of 28.5 Million Tonnes per Annum at Neyveli and one open cast lignite Mine of capacity 2.1 Million Tonnes per Annum at Barsingsar, Rajasthan.>Three Thermal Power Stations with a total installed capacity of 2490 Mega Watt at Neyveli and one Thermal Power Station at Barsingsar, Rajasthan with an installed capacity of 250 Mega Watt NLC recruitment details for the positions are 1. Graduate Executive Trainees, (Through GATE) - NLC for above posts are required to take Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2025.For detailed information on GATE-2025 and online submission of application for GATE-2025, interested candidates may log on to Official Websites of IISc BANGALORE ( / IIT DELHI ( etc
2. Senior Resident/Junior Resident,
3. B.T. Assistants,
4. Dy. Executive Engineer,
5. Dy. Medical Officer,
6. Technician

NLC Recruitment Eligible Criteria are Candidates belonging to the States of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territories of Puducherry and Laksha Deep only are eligible. Candidates should have passed the qualifying exam on or after date given in official website,should not have undergone or presently undergoing Apprenticeship Training in NLC or elsewhere, should not have experience of one year or more in any job, satisfying the above eligibility norms should submit their application through ONLINE REGISTRATION in NLC website ( and take print out of Registration forms.The Registration forms duly signed should be sent to The Deputy General Manager,Learning & Development Centre, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited.Block:20.Neyveli 607 803.
Enclosing the Attested copies of the following certificates :
i. Degree Certificates/Diploma Certificate /Provisional Certificate.
ii. Consolidated (or) Semester–wise Mark lists of Degree/ Diploma.
iii.Community Certificate (in case of belonging to SC / ST / OBC).
iv.Transfer Certificate.
v. Proof for Physically Disabled Person (PWD) (if applicable).
vi.Format showing method of arrival of percentage of marks.
Jobs in NLC are posted in the official site of NLC Limited. The current vacant NLC Recruitment would be posted in leading newspapers across the country too. Do not fall for bogus agencies which provide false employment opportunities in NLC. Candidates who are applying for NLC recruitment procedures should apply online only in the corporate website. NLC does not solicit money in any form from the candidates at any stage of the selection process other than the application fee specified in the job advertisements. NLC is not responsible for the amount of money which you have sent to any agency for the job in NLC India. Any candidate whose application reaches after the due date or does not have any of the document or photograph as per the instructions in the job advertisement would be rejected. The job specifications and the salary details would be explained in the job advertisement and also would be explained in detail to the candidate upon reaching the personal interview. Keep yourself updated with the vacancies and apply for the jobs that would best suit you and your qualification. Find more details and latest updates about NLC Jobs 2025, NLC recruitment notification, exam schedules, results, allotments, exam alert, syllabus etc. in For the preparation of NLC Exams, Freshersworld will guide with the help of placement papers available in power preparation or else there are also options to buy online material or download the syllabus and material.

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NLC Recruitment 2024 | Latest NLC jobs

Neyveli Lignite Corporation recruitment 2024: Apply online for NLC jobs across India through, most popular and wanted Job portal in India, brings you yet another opportunity to get Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd Jobs. We have all the jobs in this company listed down under, Checkout fast. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) is a government-owned corporation lignite mining and power generating company in India.NLC Ltd., a “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise, Under the Ministry of Coal, earning profits for over three decades and poised for rapid growth in terms of Mining Activities and Power Generation. NLC’s growth is sustained and its contribution to India’s social and economic development is significant.
A pioneer among the public sector undertakings in energy sector, NLC operates
Three Opencast Lignite Mines of total capacity of 28.5 Million Tonnes per Annum at Neyveli and one open cast lignite Mine of capacity 2.1 Million Tonnes per Annum at Barsingsar, Rajasthan.
Three Thermal Power Stations with a total installed capacity of 2490 Mega Watt at Neyveli and one Thermal Power Station at Barsingsar, Rajasthan with an installed capacity of 250 Mega Watt
NLC recruitment details for the positions are
1. Graduate Executive Trainees, (Through GATE) - NLC for above posts are required to take Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2024.For detailed  information  on  GATE-2024  and  online  submission  of  application  for  GATE-2024, interested candidates may log  on to Official Websites  of IISc  BANGALORE ( / IIT DELHI ( etc
2. Senior Resident/Junior Resident,
3. B.T. Assistants,
4. Dy. Executive Engineer,
5. Dy. Medical Officer,
6. Technician
NLC Recruitment Eligible Criteria are Candidates  belonging  to  the  States  of  Andhra  Pradesh,  Kerala,  Karnataka,  Tamil  Nadu  and  the  Union  Territories  of Puducherry and Laksha Deep only are eligible.
Candidates should have passed the qualifying exam on or after date given in official website,should not have undergone or presently undergoing Apprenticeship Training in NLC or elsewhere, should not have experience of one year or more in any job, satisfying the above eligibility norms should submit their application through ONLINE REGISTRATION in NLC website ( and take print out of Registration forms.The Registration forms duly signed should be sent to The Deputy General Manager,Learning & Development Centre, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited.Block:20.Neyveli 607 803.</br>
Enclosing the Attested copies of the following certificates :
i.  Degree Certificates/Diploma Certificate /Provisional Certificate.
ii. Consolidated (or) Semester–wise Mark lists of Degree/ Diploma.
iii.Community Certificate (in case of belonging to SC / ST / OBC).
iv.Transfer Certificate.
v. Proof for Physically Disabled Person (PWD) (if applicable).
vi.Format showing method of arrival of percentage of marks.
Jobs in NLC are posted in the official site of NLC Limited. The current vacant NLC Recruitment would be posted in leading newspapers across the country too. Do not fall for bogus agencies which provide false employment opportunities in NLC. Candidates who are applying for NLC recruitment procedures should apply online only in the corporate website.
NLC does not solicit money in any form from the candidates at any stage of the selection process other than the application fee specified in the job advertisements. NLC is not responsible for the amount of money which you have sent to any agency for the job in NLC India.
Any candidate whose application reaches after the due date or does not have any of the document or photograph as per the instructions in the job advertisement would be rejected. The job specifications and the salary details would be explained in the job advertisement and also would be explained in detail to the candidate upon reaching the personal interview. Keep yourself updated with the vacancies and apply for the jobs that would best suit you and your qualification.
Find more details and latest updates about NLC Jobs 2024, NLC recruitment notification, exam schedules, results, allotments, exam alert, syllabus etc. in For the preparation of NLC Exams, Freshersworld will guide with the help of placement papers available in power preparation or else there are also options to buy online material or download the syllabus and material.Find all the best jobs listed at one single place. The opportunity itself is of high importance as it exposes you to the most advanced processes of hiring across the country. Recruitment in NLC India is a chance to get into a company, which nurtures you in a way where you will become highly competent and learn a lot in quick time. NLC jobs also expose you to highly talented people and cutting edge technologies which bring the best out in you. So, Apply fast. At the moment, We have the below listed Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd Recruitment for you. We are getting more and more jobs from similar companies, only for you. 

Candidates & freshers can follow our active Neyveli Lignite Corporation recruitment notifications to apply online application for an Exam, freshers can also subscribe to our freejobalert, Sarkari Result and Employment News to get instant messages or notification related to NLC recruitment 2024. People who are eagerly waiting for job vacancies they can easily apply through Freshersworld because we list all the useful details and notifications. So that the candidates will not be confused while applying for jobs.Know everything about NLC hiring trends. Plunge into the ocean of different jobs, Sign up with us. Be the first one to get hired.

Last Updated: 03-03-2025 06:34:22 PM