For some success is not a destination, but a journey to prove this Mr. A.J. AZEES with huge attitude and Amibition started a small firm named “Challenger Info Care ”. For specifically servicing computer monitor for the very first time in South Tamil Nadu near Periyar Bus Stand, Madurai in the year 1999. It was started on a meagre investment with only a soldering iron and table. The Compassion for electronics Tremendous Hard Work and sincerity made Challenger Info care Add many clients
Challenger Info Tech Establised in the year 2004 at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. It has grew to be a small institution by the year 2004. Student’s satisfaction is the pillar on which “Challenger Info Tech” stands Now it has been shifted to a more spacious.
Information Technology (IT),
Every year thousands of Laptops, Desktop, Printers and Monitors etc are being sold and these electronics products becomes faulty/defective during warranty as well as after warranty.
The developing countries like India, the scenario is totally different due to low man power cost and economical status people have a tendency to get the electronics peripherals repaired as long as possible.
Challenger Info tech has reached pinnacles of success, in the field of computer chip level service and Hardware. A highly proclamied Institution by itself, Challenger Info tech (CIT) Endeavors to provide Job oriented computer Hardware and chip level repair training to the youth of today, Chiseling them to carve a bright career in the I.T. World.
As defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.