Course Duration: 2 Months

Course Details

Mode: Classroom

Duration: 30 hours

Faculty: Senior Professor from India's top Engineering college

Target Audience:

·         Mechanical Designers

·         Structural Analysts

Course Contents:


DAY-1 (3 HRS.)

Day 1. Introduction to FEA, the bar element, derivation of stiffness matrix, transformation, analysis of a truss using ANSYS

DAY-2 (3 HRS.)

Day 2. The two-dimensional beam element, Analysis of a continuous beam and a portal frame using ANSYS

DAY-3 (3 HRS.)

Day 3. The three-dimensional beam element, Analysis of a automobile chassis using ANSYS

DAY-4 (3 HRS.)

Day 4. Introduction to plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems, Analysis of a plate with a hole and a pressure vessel using ANSYS

DAY-5 (3 HRS.)

Day 5. Concept of mass matrix, natural frequency and modes of vibration, Analysis of free vibration of a beam modeled using plane elements using ANSYS

DAY-6 (3 HRS.)

Day 6. Concept of harmonic analysis and transient analysis, Forced vibration analysis of a beam using ANSYS

DAY-7 (3 HRS.)

Introduction to solid elements, Modeling of complex solids using ANSYS

DAY-8 (3 HRS.)

Plane and axisymmetric heat transfer problems and analysis of thermal stress using ANSYS

DAY-9 (3 HRS.)

Plane and axisymmetric electrostatic problems and electric field analysis using ANSYS

DAY-10 (3 HRS.)

Plane and axisymmetric magnetoostatic problems and magnetic field analysis using ANSYS

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