Course Details

AutoCAD is a software finding wide applications in the domain of civil, mechanical, electrical and architecture. H.R. CAD Centre specialises in offering advanced AutoCAD training to students, working professionals and job seekers where they are provided knowledge to create advanced drafting and elevation through the use of AutoCAD 2D and 3D applications. We are classified as a highly proficient and competent technical training institute where the learning sessions are supervised by the industry experts and special emphasis is laid on the deliverance of concept-focused and job-oriented real time project training. The students are first exposed to the basic methodologies to plan, create and edit 2D drawings, and steps to create and navigate a technical layout or drawing, after attaining proficiency on the same, the focus is then laid towards the 3D capabilities of AutoCAD.

Prerequisites To Join Our AutoCAD Course –

Though there is no requirement of any specific prerequisite but students well-informed with the basic AutoCAD dimensions will be provided preference, also those with a command on any designing software are considered as the most eligible candidates for training in AutoCAD course.

Are you providing Training Classes
IT Courses / Govt Exam Preparation
Higher Studies / Studies Abroad
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