Course Details

his course is part of “Big data Internship Program” which is aligned to a typical Big data project life cycle stage. Foundation Ingestion Storage Processing Visualization This part 1 course is focused on the foundation of Big data . It cover technical and non-technical items like Technical Foundation Refresh your knowledge on Unix Java based on usage into Big Data . Understand git /github which is used by most of the companies for source control Hadoop Installation Non-technical Foundation Understand Big data project life cycle Understand Roles in Big data Implementation Understand the Real life Project Big data Topics Learn about the hadoop ecosystem HDFS MapReduce Why Spark?

About Trainer

Big Data Trunk is the leading Big Data focus consulting and training firm founded by industry veterans in data domain. It helps is customer gain competitive advantage from open source, big data, cloud and advanced analytics. It provides services like Strategy Consulting, Advisory Consulting and high-quality classroom individual and corporate training.

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