Course Duration: 1 Month

Course Details

We as BA practioners developed a unique hands-on approach of facilitating learning through real-time Industry case studies, scenarios, role-plays across various industry verticals to mind-map for Accelerated Learning. COEPD delivers training through various channels: Workshops, Online Trainings, Corporate Programs, Instructed-led Trainings and Certificate Programs. COEPD has innate leaders running the organization with an irrevocable human element to serve the ever changing dynamic environment of the IT industry. COEPD takes personal care in grooming our BA aspirants from the initial phases of counseling sessions to the final phases of nurturing them into the IT industry Business Analyst role, our forte.

About Trainer

Real time certified Business Analysts, heaving an experience of 4-6 years in the particular domain

Are you providing Training Classes
IT Courses / Govt Exam Preparation
Higher Studies / Studies Abroad
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