Course Details

Overview of Angular4 + TypeScript Course


Angular 2 is a framework to help us build client applications in HTML and either JavaScript or a language (TypeScript) that compiles to JavaScript.

The framework consists of several cooperating libraries, some of them core and some optional.

With Angular, we write applications by composing HTML templates with Angularized-markup, writing component classes to manage those templates, adding application logic in services, and handing the top root component to Angular’s bootstrapper.

Angular takes over, presenting our application content in a browser and responding to user interactions according to the instructions we provided.

Course Goal


The main goal of Angular 2 is to create a web framework that is super easy to learn and just works. Let’s see how this is planned to be achieved:
Angular 2 will have two layers, the application layer and the rendering layer. For example a component can be annotated with different @View annotations that can be enabled at runtime depending on the environment.
This means the knowledge of Angular can be reused to build native applications as well as web applications, although there will always be some differences.

Single Page Applications have been around for a while, and any web site with a navigation system could benefit from being built that way.

This is due to the increased user engagement that comes from being able to navigate effortlessly around the site without having to reload everything again.

But Single Page Apps had at least until recently a very strong SEO cost, making them unpractical for anonymously served public content. SPAs have been so far used only to build the “dashboard” part of public internet apps due this. More info about Angular Universal in this post.


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