Course Details

1)      Basic Interaction with Hypermesh

2)      Opening and Saving Files

3)      Interaction with Panels

4)      Model Organization

5)      Controlling the Display

6)      Using the Model Browser

7)      Preparing Geometry for Meshing

8)      Repairing CAD Geometry Data

9)      Shell Meshing, Auto Meshing, Batch Meshing

10)   Meshing Without Surface

11)   Mid-surface Extraction, Simplifying Geometry

12)   Refining Topology to Achieve Quality Mesh

13)   Assemblies, Welding and Swapping Parts

14)   2D, 3D, Tetra and Pyramid Meshing

15)   Creating Hexa and Penta Mesh

16)   Preparing Models for Analysis by a Particular Solver

17)   Checking and Editing Mesh

18)   Formatting Models

19)   Setting-up Loading Conditions

20)   Exposure to In-house Projects (Hexa & 2D Auto Components)

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