Course Details

The Climate Resilient Skills & Disaster Management training program will cover following modules as designed according to National Skill Qualification framework and approved by National Skill development Corporation:

  • Climate Change Basics
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
  • Low Carbon/ energy-efficient buildings
  • Green/Climate Bonds
  • Financing for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience: Green Climate Funds
  • Disaster Management of Cities 
  • Introduction to GIS
Please find attached course schedule for detailed information. 
This training program facilitates analytical thinking skills in learners with respect to planning, designing, viable economic considerations required to build resilient cities. With introduction to GIS, applications of mapping softwares in climate forecast and disaster management will be learnt. At the end of this program you will receive a nationally recognized NSDC and Skill Council for Green Jobs certification. 
The program is designed as an intensive 3 day program with assignments presentations, classroom workshops and concludes with an assessment and certification.

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IT Courses / Govt Exam Preparation
Higher Studies / Studies Abroad
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