Course Details

JAVA Programming

Duration: 40 hrs


Ø  Data Warehouse Administrator

Ø  Forms Developer

Ø  System Analysts

Ø  Business Analysts

Ø  Developer

Ø  Application Developers

Ø  PL/SQL Developer


Suggested Prerequisites:

Ø  None


Java Platform Overview


Ø  OpenJDK Licensing

Ø  Java in Server Environments

Ø  The Java Community Process



Java Syntax and Class Review

Ø  Simple Java classes

Ø  Java fields, constructors and methods

Ø  Model objects using Java classes

Ø  Package and import statements


Encapsulation and Polymorphism

Ø  Encapsulation in Java class design

Ø  Model business problems with Java classes

Ø  Immutability Subclassing Overloading methods

Ø  Variable argument methods



Java Class Design

Ø  Access modifiers: private, protected and public

Ø  Method overriding Constructor overloading The instanceof operator Virtual method invocation Polymorphism

Ø  Casting object references

Ø  Overriding Object methods



Advanced Class Design

Ø  Abstract classes and type generalization

Ø  The static and final modifiers Field modifier best practices The Singleton design pattern Designing abstract classes Nested classes

Ø  Enumerated types



Inheritance with Java Interfaces

Ø  Java Interfaces

Ø  Types of Inheritance

Ø  Object composition and method delegation

Ø  Implementing multiple interfaces

Ø  The DAO design pattern



Generics and Collections

Ø  Generic classes and type parameters

Ø  Type inference (diamond) Collections and generics List, set and Map

Ø  Stack and Deque



String processing

Ø  String manipulation with StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Ø  Essential String methods

Ø  Text parsing in Java

Ø  Input processing with Scanner

Ø  Text output and formatting

Ø  Regular expressions with the Pattern and Matcher classes



Exceptions and Assertions

Ø  Exceptions categories

Ø  Standard Java Exception classes Creating your own Exception classes Using try-catch and the finally clause

Ø  Using try-with-resources and the AutoCloseable interface

Ø  The multi-catch feature

Ø  Best practices using exceptions

Ø  Assertions




I/O Fundamentals

Ø  I/O using Java

Ø  Reading the console input stream

Ø  Writing to the console Using I/O Streams Chaining I/O Streams Channel I/O

Ø  Reading and writing objects using Serialization



File I/O with NIO 2

Ø The Path interface

Ø The Files class

Ø Directory and File operations Managing file system attributes Reading, writing, and creating files Watching for file system changes


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