Course Details


Course Access Duration– 11 Months 

Program Plan â€“ Gives in-depth information about what is covered, schedule, different phases involved and Process by IIBM IndiaAbout Course:This integrated online program with additional certificates is designed to enable students to acquire the skills and capabilities that will enable them to reach responsible Global positions in management. The program lays the foundation for conceptual and analytical reasoning, and gives the students an insight into the dynamics of the business environment by IIBM India. The online program design is inspired by management practice rather than ivory tower academics. The course material and design is oriented towards current and emerging issues in management & for the job growth & Salary Hike.

Program Plan

Diploma in Business Administration + Master Program in Business Administration + 3 Certification from IIBM Institute of Business Management comprises of 14 Distance core subjects taught under 2 semesters.

Semester I

Principles & Practices of Management

Human Resource Management

Marketing Management

Organizational Behavior

Business Communication

Semester II

Strategic Management

Specialization 1 Subject 1

Specialization 1 Subject 2

Specialization 2 Subject 1

Specialization 2 Subject 2

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