Course Details

1. .NET Framework

1.    What is the .NET Framework?

2.    Common Language Runtime

3.    .NET Framework Class Library

4.    Assemblies and the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)

5.    Versions of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio 

2. Getting Started with Visual Studio

1.    Visual Studio Overview

a.    Choosing the Development Settings

b.    Resetting the Development Settings

c.    Creating a New Project

d.    Components of the IDE

2.    Code and Text Editor

a.    Code Snippets

b.    IntelliSense

c.    Refactoring Support

3.  Debugging

a.    Setting Breakpoints

b.    Stepping through the Code

c.    Watching

d.    Autos and Immediate Windows 

3. C# Language Foundations

1.    Using the C# Compiler (csc.exe)

2.    Passing Arguments to Main()

3.    Language Syntax

a.    Keywords

b.    Variables

c.    Scope of Variables

d.    Constants

e.    Comments

4.    Data Types

a.    Value Types

b.    Reference Types

c.    Enumerations

d.    Implicit Typing

e.    Type Conversion

5.    Operators

a.    Arithmetic Operators

b.    Logical Operators

c.    Relational Operators

d.    Increment & Decrement Operators

e.    Bit Shift Operators

f.     Assignment Operators

g.    The is and as Operators

h.    Other Operators

i.      Operator Precedence

6.    Flow Control

a.    if-else Statement

b.    switch Statement

7.    Looping

a.    for Loop

b.    foreach

c.    while and do-while Loops

d.    Exiting from a Loop

e.    Skipping an Iteration

8.    Structs

a.    What Are Structs?

b.    Structs Are Value Types

c.    Assigning to a Struct

d.    Constructors and Destructors

e.    Instance Constructors

f.     Static Constructors

g.    Summary of Constructors and Destructors

h.    Field Initializers Are Not Allowed

i.      Structs Are Sealed

j.      Boxing and Unboxing

k.    Structs as Return Values and Parameters 

4. Arrays

1.    Single Dimensional Arrays

2.    Accessing Array Elements


5. Strings

1.    The System.String Class

a.    Escape Characters

b.    String Manipulations

c.    String Formatting

d.    The StringBuilder Class 

6. OOPs Concepts

1.    Classes

a.    Defining a Class

b.    Creating an Instance of a Class (Object Instantiation)

c.    Class Members

d.    Access Modifiers

e.    Function Members

f.     Overloading Methods

g.    Overloading Operators

h.    Using Partial Classes

i.      Static Classes

2.    System.Object Class

a.    Implementing Equals

b.    ToString() Method

c.    Attributes

3.    Inheritance

a.    Understanding Inheritance

b.    Implementation Inheritance

c.    Inheritance and Constructors

d.    Calling Base Class Constructors

e.    Virtual Methods (Polymorphism)

f.     Sealed Classes and Methods

g.    Abstract Class

h.    Abstract Methods

4.    Interfaces

a.    Defining an Interface

b.    Implementing an Interface

c.    Implementing Multiple Interfaces

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