Course Details

Basics of Java: Features of Java, JDK,JRE and JDK,Hello Java Program, Variable and Data Type, Operators. Control and Conditional statements: If-else, Switch statement, for loop, while loop, do while loop ,Comments, Basic Programs. Oops Concepts: Object and class, Constructor, static keyword, this keyword,Naming Convention, . Inherintance, Polymorphism: Method Overriding, Method Overloading, Super Keyword, Instance Initializer block, Final Keyword. Encapsulation, Package, Access Modifiers, Wrapper Classes. Abstraction: Abstract class, Interface, Abstract vs Interface. Arrays: Advantage of Array, Types of Array, Passing Array to Method, Copying a Java Array, Array of Objects, Example Programs. Strings: Immutable String, String Comparison, Method of String Class, String Builder Class, String Buffer Class, Example Programs. Exception Handling: Introduction to Exception, try and catch block, Multiple catch block, Nested try, finally block throw and throws keyword, Exception Handling with Method Overriding. Java Input/Output: File Output Stream , File Input Stream, Buffered Output Stream, Buffered Input Stream, Data Output Stream, Data Input Stream, File Reader, File Writer, Print Stream, Print Writer, Example Programs. Collections Framework: ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, Linked HashSet, Tree Set, Queue and Priority Queue,Example Programs. Java Map: Hash Map, Tree Map, Linked Hash Map, HashTable, Example Programs. MultiThreading: Life cycle of a Thread, Creating a Thread, Joining a Thread, Sleeping a thread, Start a Thread twice, Naming a Thread, Example Programs. Jdbc: Introduction, Basic of Sql, DB Connectivity steps, Connectivity with MySql, Driver Manager, Connection, Statement, ResultSet. Statement: Prepared Statement, Callable Statement, ResultSetMetaData,DataBase MetaData, Example Programs.

About Trainer

Gireesh Babu ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/gbabu/) 19+ Years of experience in Software development. 10+ Years in Software architecture. TOGAF Certified Enterprise Architect. Oracle certified specialist in ATG implementation and development. Hard core Java/JEE Developer. Expert in Design, Architecture and Implementation patterns ATG/JEE. Evangelist in Application security. Experienced in JEE application performance tuning. Code re-factoring specialist to ensure readable and maintainable code base. Data science and Big data analytics using Hadoop and Spark.

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