Course Details

Do you know why film like Bahubali, Robot, Ra-one from bollywood and Three hundred, Avatar from Hollywood are more successful. Reason is very simple it is just because of Visual effects. Now a days no movie, no advertisement completes without Visual effect. There is tremendous scope in Visual effects or Post production.

After studying Indian and International requirement of Visual Effects industry SRAJAN has introduced the Best course in Visual Effects or Best course in Post production.

In this course SRAJAN offers lot many things. This course is very advance course in Visual effects. This complete program guides you about Roto, chroma, keying, Wire-removal, colour correction, dynamics, particles, fluids, real flow with the help of various computer graphics software.

Many of our students have worked on hollywood and bollywood movies. This course is autonomous course equal to Diploma in visual Effects.Duration : 18 Months

For More details visit www.srajan.inOr call our helpline 9561098123

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