Course Details

About the Course - LEAD AUDITOR TRAINING (1648)

Develop the knowledge and skill required to conduct a full audit of an organization’s Environmental Management System (EMS) to ISO 14001:2015.


As per the IRCA criteria the course is conducted for 40 hrs - 5 days.

Students gain necessary auditing skills through a balance of formal classroom tutorials, role playing, group workshops, and open forum discussions. 

Course Content

DAY 1 – Introduction; Overview of ISO 14001 series; planning and implementation of EMS.

DAY 2 – Audit planning; Audit techniques; International Laws, Agreements and EMS legislations

DAY 3 - Audit Protocol; Recording & reporting NCR’s; Audit findings; Audit reports and records.

DAY 4 - Corrective Action & Audit close out process; Follow-up Audits; Surveillance plan and reporting ; Exercises and Feedback.

DAY 5 – Continuous Assessment exercises & Feedback; written exam. 

Course Benefits

 This course will help you:

  • Grasp the aims, benefits and requirements of an ISO 14001:2015 audit
  • Interpret ISO 14001:2015 requirements for audit application
  • Plan, conduct and follow-up auditing activities that add real value
  • Access the latest auditor techniques and identify appropriate use
  • Build stakeholder confidence by leading and managing processes in line with the latest requirements
  • Grasp the application of risk-based thinking, leadership and process management


  • One who aspires to become ISO 14001 lead auditor carry out third party audits.
  • Existing ISO 14001 internal Auditors.
  • One who wants to get them registered as ISO 14001 Lead auditor in IRCA and other International Registration.

On Completion

Last day of the programme, all candidates have to appear examination. Candidates are reviewed during the course and through final test. 

Certificate of successful completion:

  • Delegates, who satisfy the attendance requirements, pass the continuous assessments and the final examination will be awarded certificate of achievement.

Certificate of attendance:

  • Delegates, who have not been successful in the examination / continuous assessment, but who satisfy the attendance requirements will be issued certificate of attendance

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