Course Details

About the Course - LEAD AUDITOR TRAINING (1649)

This course is designed for you to understand the principles and practices of effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System audits using a structured approach. You will be channeled through an end to end audit process from initiation to follow-up and closure. During the 5 days you will acquire knowledge and skills required to undertake and lead a successful Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems audit.

Course Content

Day 1 - Introduction to OHSAS , certification and accreditation , Explanation of Clauses of OHSAS , standard requirements , Risk assessment.

Day 2 - Clauses of OHSAS , standard requirements , Continual improvement, Audit principles , Performing auditing.

Day 3 - Document Audit and Performing auditing , Raising Non-conformity(s)

Day 4 – Case study , Mock audits

Day 5 – Mock Audit , Team Meeting , Closing Meeting ,Report Preparation.

Course Benefits

  • Gain business assurance in a robust occupational health and safety management system
  • Evaluate conformity of health and safety processes and procedures
  • Promote continual improvement of health and safety processes and procedures
  • Encourage leadership through employee professional development and confidence in the highest standards of working environment
  • Build stakeholder confidence in a focused OHSAS 18001 audit framework.


Knowledge of the following occupational health & safety management principles and concepts:

  • The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
  • The purpose and benefits of a an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system
  • A basic knowledge of managing occupational health and safety (OH&S) through hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control and compliance with legal and other requirements
  • A basic awareness of common examples of relevant national and local OH&S legislation and requirements.
  • Commonly used OH&S terms and definitions as given in OHSAS 18001

Knowledge of the requirements of OHSAS 18001, which may be gained by completing a CQI and IRCA Certified HSAS 18001

Foundation (OH&S) training course or the equivalent.

On completion

Last day of the programme, all candidates have to appear examination. Candidates are reviewed during the course and through final test. 

Certificate of successful completion:

  • Delegates, who satisfy the attendance requirements, pass the continuous assessments and the final examination will be awarded certificate of achievement.

Certificate of attendance:

  • Delegates, who have not been successful in the examination / continuous assessment, but who satisfy the attendance requirements will be issued certificate of attendance

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