Course Duration: 3 Months

Course Details

he J2EE part of the unified course covers the following modules: J2EE Intriduction J2EE Overview J2EE Architecture Introduction to J2EE Components, Containers Structure of J2EE Application Packaging and Deploying J2EE Applications JDBC JDBC Basics, Steps for working with data base Drivers and types, SQL queries and executions Insert, Select, Delete, Update query Statements & Prepared Statement ResultSet, DatabaseMetaData ResultSetMetaData Transactions and Batch Update Manipulation of data: Inserting, fetching, deleting and updating Programming examples on JDBC Servlets Basics of Servlets, Servlet Api Generic Servlet, HTTP Servlet, Servlet Life cycle init(), service() , destroy(), doGet(), doPost() Steps to create servlets in Tom cat Constant web/Static web, Dynamic web Servlet config & context Session handling, chaining, Filtering & collaboration Request dispatcher, Cookies, Send-Redirect Login and Registration examples Programming examples on Servlet JSP Basics of JSP development JSP life cycle & architecture, Action tags Comment, Declaration , Declarative, Scriptlet Tag Page & Include Directive, jspInit(), jspDestroy() MVC Architecture

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