Course Duration: 4 Months

Course Details

Welcome to our course on `Web Development using Java/J2ee`. In this course you will learn to develop `Online Rental Service` Software. Our goal is that by the end of this course each and every one of you feels empowered to create a Web application like Flipkart, Snapdeal etc. on your own.The course is uniquely structured, designed around Project-Based Learning style, 80% is practical which involves coding from day one and 20% theory . The main focus is on buiding the software the way it is done in professional world.To build professional software application ,you need to have understanding of Web servers, Database concepts, Front end technologies and lots of other helping libraries .You will start coding from the first day and eventually you will come up with a complete product like Flipkart, Rentkart etc.To put it briefly, Mainly you will learn J2ee/Advance Java in depth along with that you will get to learn many different technologies required to build the software.
Course: http://practicalground.com/#/course
Course taught by: Seema Sharma (NIT Jammu) &Akhilesh Mishra (NIT Bhopal)

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