Course Details


1. About Ally Tech Services

Ally tech Services established in 2013 and involved IT, & business development.

2. Where is this situated?

Head Quartered in Bangalore.

3. What is this Excel Course?

Ally tech Services in association with Training and placement opportunities for excel experts with 100% job opportunity related to Reporting and Business Analytics etc. related profiles in top MNC companies like IBM, Deloitte, and Microsoft etc.

4. How is this different from others?

We provide in depth knowledge on the subject and also guide you how to take your career forward with the reporting related tools in the market. Others offer training programs without job guarantee, whereas Ally tech Services  train and provide 100% job opportunity.

5. What is the guarantee?

The Guarantee is to assure all our students that anyone who has completed our 150 tasks, would be placed by us within a month.


During admission, we give Job opportunity guarantee and if not provided any job opportunity within 30 days after successful training, 50% of training fees will be refunded.


6. What are the details of course?

This is 30 working days training program with flexible training hrs. Customized to participants. This involves 10% theory and 90% hands on training. Here, we plan and describe how best to bring value add from a data and how best to show case it to the leadership.

7. Who are eligible for this program?

Any graduate students of 2011, 2012,13,14,15 passed out.

8. How do you guarantee on job opportunities.

As IT is expanding in every direction, huge data is generated from all sources, there is requirement for lot of professionals who could extract, analyze and get to a level that business decisions could be taken.

9. What is the Salary that can be expected?

As of now a minimum INR 1.9 lakh package (incl all allowances) will be paid by the employer and it can go up to INR 2.5 lakh package based on suitability.

10. Who are the employers? How many students are placed?

Any IT company which work with a database will always have requirement related to reporting and business analytics. For the last 2 yrs. + we placed >2000 students successfully upon training.

11. What is the course fee & other details?

One time charge of INR 35,000. No instalment fee payment facility.

Amount need to be paid during admission. Student no need to worry management arranged for stay & food during training program.

Without stay & food One time charge of INR 25,000.

12. Is there any job guarantee after placement?

Yes. The only issue that may happen is your performance.

For further details please do

1) Talk to the following:

Lakshmi(Training coordinator), Bangalore -- +91 7411011500

Er.Gaurav Kumar Mehta (Director) --08041610112

2) Write to the following:

Info.allytech@gmail.com,  for further Information

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