Course Duration: 5 Months

Course Details


  • MEAN stack: Practically learn how to develop an end-to-end, scalable new age web application by leveraging the power of M (Mongo DB) | E (Express.js) | A (AngularJS) | N (Node.js) stack.
  • Responsive Frontend: Build responsive web-pages depicting best-in class UI by combining the power of HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery mobile. Integrate this with backend and build scalable new age web applications.
  • Foundations: Strong foundation is everything that matters for a strong career. In this course you will build strong foundations that will secure your career path and adapt yourself, irrespective of these ever-changing technology landscape. Learn and apply foundational concepts (ex: OOPS | Design patterns | REST APIs) in a practical way. By learning them well you can apply these concepts in any real-time projects.
  • Placements: Fullstack web developers are one of the most sought after profiles in the industry today. As a part of our placements, wide range of companies – Startups to MNCs all are hiring our graduates. Check out our placement section for more details.

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