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MNC Training and Placement In Hyderabad - Ameerpet, Hyderabad
MNC Training and Placement by Talent Resourze.
"Rated as the Best in Hyderabad"
Talent Resourze has successfully provided Recruitment to more than 10 TOP MNC's in the Corporate industry (Hyderabad).Jobs in different Sectors - Finance, Tech Support, IT, Sales, Marketing, Collections, Healthcare & Customer Service (India | Dubai). Talent Resourze has also been successful in providing Corporate Training & Development to Individuals, Colleges (CRT) & Corporate companies.
* Interview Skills for MNC's*American Accent *Versant Training *Communication Skills*JAM/ GDs/ Corporate Grooming*Personality Development and more..- We take Only 20 people in a batch.  Call us and speak to our Corporate Trainers. Hina: 8801476521/ 9059815405/ 9059461732/ 8523098065/ 7794862683/ 9000531733Office : 040 64640488/ 89Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/talentresourze.tr/ (14,000+ Likes) Videos on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NXkibHpkjQQ
Just 15 Minutes drive from Ameerpet
Address:TALENT RESOURZE:Synosoft Building, 3rd floor, Opp. New Hyundai Showroom, Near Lakdi Ka Pul, Masab Tank Main Rd, Hyd.

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