Course Duration: 1 Month

Course Details


Course Outline:

Module 1: Introducing Anypoint Platform

§  Learning what Anypoint Platform is and the problems it can help you solve

§  Getting familiar with the components of Anypoint Platform



Module 2: Building Integration Applications with Anypoint Studio

§  Understanding Mule applications, flows, messages, and message processors

§  Creating flows graphically using connectors, transformers, components, scopes, and flow control elements

§  Building, running, testing, and debugging Mule applications

§  Reading and writing message properties

§  Writing expressions with Mule Expression Language (MEL)

§  Creating variables



Module 3: Consuming Web Services

§  Understanding RESTful and SOAP web services

§  Learning about what RAML is and how it can be used

§  Consuming RESTful web services with and without RAML definitions

§  Consuming SOAP web services



Module 4: Connecting to Additional Resources

§  Connecting to files, databases, and JMS queues

§  Connecting to SaaS applications

§  Discovering and installing connectors not bundled with Anypoint Studio



Module 5: Transforming Data

§  Getting familiar with the different types of transformers

§  Using the DataWeave Transform Message component

§  Writing DataWeave expressions for basic and complex XML, JSON, and Java

§  Using DataWeave with data sources that have associated metadata

§  Adding custom metadata to data sources



Module 6: Refactoring Mule Applications

§  Separating applications into multiple configuration files

§  Encapsulating global elements in a separate configuration file

§  Creating and running multiple applications

§  Creating and referencing flows and subflows

§  Understanding variable persistence through subflows and flows and across transport barriers


Module 7: Handling Errors

§  Handling messaging exceptions in flows

§  Creating and using global exception handlers

§  Specifying a global default exception strategy


Module 8: Controlling Message Flow

§  Multicasting a message

§  Routing message based on conditions

§  Filtering messages

§  Understanding and creating synchronous and asynchronous flows


Module 9: Processing Records

§  Processing items in a collection individually

§  Understanding what batch jobs are and when to use them

§  Creating batch jobs to process items in a CSV file or a database

§  Restricting record processing to new records


Module 10: Building RESTful Interfaces with RAML and APIkit

§  Understanding the benefits of RESTful APIs and web services

§  Using the API Designer to define APIs with RAML

§  Implementing a RAML file as a RESTful web service with Anypoint Studio and APIkit


Module 11: Deploying Applications

§  Understanding the options for deploying applications

§  Adding application properties

§  Deploying and running applications in the cloud

§  Deploying and running applications on-prem


Module 12: Transforming Data with DataWeave


§  Transforming Data with DataWeave with Mule 3.7

§  Introduction DataWeave

§  DataWeave data transforming use cases

§  DataWeave integration with Anypoint Studio

§  DWL ( DataWeave Expression Language )

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