Course Details

Global Certification from Technical Writing International, Australia

We are providing International Certification in Technical Writing and eLearning in association with PRISM Network, India.

We offer our courses under the brand name CETWEL (Center of Excellence in Technical Writing & eLearning).

You will be surprised to know that we are offering these courses at Indian Prices.

The classes are conducted online by a professional faculty with more than 35 years of experience.(Trainer Profile is attached here for your reference) This is supported by a full-fledged learning management system. In short, we deploy flipped-classroom methodology where the students get all the theory prior to attending the practical classes.

Our Certification is welcome by all corporate clients. We have conducted more than 150 corporate training programs and 6000 individual training programs.

Feel free to contact us for further enquiries.

Thanks and Regards,

Priya Balan

GA-Balan Pioneer Homes, 28 Saravanan Street, T.Nagar, Chennai-600017.

9940686784 |  42624961 | 49515131

Website: www.prismnetwork.in

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