Course Duration: 2 Months

Course Details

         Sakthi DB Technology


We are a premium IT Company who offers IT solutions, services and training to customers across the globe. We are one of the best training center in Chennai. We specialize in Oracle 12,PostgreSQL DBA, Data Base and Web technologies. We have an onsite-offshore model that delivers solutions based on the global needs.We have a strong team of individuals with expertise in various technologies

  • Quality
  • On time
  • responsive
  • customer support and Satisfaction

PostgreSQL DBA Training


                We have 15 years experience in Oracle training. Our students are working in top IT companies across the world. Unlike other training institutes we make sure our students are well trained to take up a DBA job immediately after the training. Like other institutes we do not cut the relationship with our students after the training. Students can still take help from our well experienced staff even after the training is over. If students are not happy with any class, we are happy to do that again to their satisfaction level by the same faculty or another. We also help our students in getting an appropriate placement based on their skill level. We use state of the art tools to provide training and support.


PostgreSQL DBA Support and Services


         We provide 24x7 onsite and remote oracle database administration services to support your IT needs. Our DBAs have an average 20 years experience in Oracle Installation, Database creation, Backup and Recovery, Database and SQL optimization and performance tuning, High availability and DR solutions like RAC, Standby, Streams, Golden Gate...etc


Sakthi DB Technology 
No: 32/11, TS Krishna nagar, 
2nd Floor, TNHB Commercial Complex, 
AnnaNagar West Extn, Collector Nagar, 
Chennai - 600101.


Tel             : 044-48518721

Mobile No  : 9710033388

E-Mail        : sakthidbtech@gmail.com

URL           : http://www.sakthidbtech.com

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IT Courses / Govt Exam Preparation
Higher Studies / Studies Abroad
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