Course Duration: 3 Months

Course Details

Professional Tester - Selenium Stack is designed for engineering graduates seeking a career in the IT Industry.

The 3-month immersive program enables students to be job-ready for the IT Industry by developing their Technical competencies along with Aptitude and Communication skills.

Technology CoverageDuration: 110 sessions over 11 weeks
Manual TestingBe an expert ISTQB certified tester with the ability to identify Test conditions, write effective test cases, execute and generate Test reports.
Automated TestingMost organisations are looking towards the increased productivity obtained by automating many tasks – testing is a prime candidate. Make yourself a more valued employee by being competent in this important area.

Everyone can codeCore JavaDatabases and SQLAutomation with Selenium
Aptitude CoverageDuration: 50 sessions over 10 weeks
1. Quantitative Ability2.Reasoning Ability3. English Language
Communication CoverageBusiness EnglishRemedial English

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