Course Details

Module II: J2EE

1.      Java Swing

·          Swing Introduction,

·         Swing Controls,

·         Swing Event classes,

·         Event Listeners,

·         Event Adapters,

·         LayoutsManagers

2.      JDBC

·         Common JDBC components

·         Steps to connect to the database using MySQL and oracle database

·         Types of JDBC statements - statements, preparedStatement and   callableStatement

·         Transactions management in JDBC

·         CRUD operation using preparedStatement

·         Calling Stored procedure using callableStatement

·         How Result Set Works in JDBC

3.      SERVLET

·         Servlet - environment setup

·         ServletConfig and ServletContext parameters

·         Servlet life cycle

·         Servlet Attribute And Servlet Parameters

·         Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)

·         Session Tracking In Servlet

·         Servlet Filter

·         Types Of Filter

·         Servlet Filter Mapping In Web.Xml,

·         Servlet-listener

·         Various Servlet Listener

·         Servlet Listener Configuration

·         servlet-security

·         Details about MVC architecture

·         Practical exposure on MVC using JSP and Servlet.

4.      JSP 2.X

·         JSP - Overview

·         JSP - Life Cycle

·         JSP API

·         JSP-Scripting Elements

·         JSP- Directive Elements

·         Types Of JSP Scopes

·         JSP - Custom Tags

·         JSP-Implicit Objects

·         JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

·         JSP - Expression Language (EL)

JSP - Exception Handling

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