Course Details

Agile Performance Testing LoadRunner, JMeter


1.      Introduction

·         What is Performance Testing?

·         Need of Performance Testing?

·         Methodology used in Performance Testing

·         Life cycle of in Performance Testing

2.      Tool Introduction

·         Available Tools in market

o   Neoload

o   Load runner

o   Jmeter

o   Blazemeter

o   RationalRose

·         Load Runner

3.      Load Runner/Performance Center

·         Architecture of Load Runner

·         Installation

·         Licensing

4.      Scripting

·         Vugen Overview

·         Overview of HTTP/HTML protocol

·         Demo of Sample application on HTTP/HTML & Web services

·         Recording a script in HTTP/HTML & web services

·         Enriching the Script via Correlation & parameterization

·         Advanced Concepts of Data manipulation in Vugen

·         Practice 1

·         Practice 2

·         Overview of RDP/Citix/ODBC/RTE protocols

5.      Scenario Creation & Execution

·         Setting up load runner scenario

o   Ramp up & Ramp down strategy

o   Group strategy

o   Step up ScenarioException Handling

·         Load Test / Stress Test/Endurance Test setup

·         Execution setup

·         Online Monitoring

·         User Defined Exception

6.      Monitoring Profile Setup

·         Infrastructure Monitoring Setup

·         Setting Counters on Windows and Linux servers

o   Memory

o   CPU

o   Disk

o   Network

7.      Analyzing the Results

·         In-depth walkthrough of how to analyze the result

·         Understanding of each graph types

·         Bottleneck Identification

8.      Performance Engineering Brief

·         Use of Profilers

·         Dynatrace & JProfiler Overview

·         JDK Free Tools

·         Knowledge Repository to refer

9.      Function testing Key Concepts (.5 days)

·         Need for testing

·         Vmodel & testing levels.

·         Test case creation

·         Defect life cycle

·         Defect management tools overview

·         Black box testing Techniques

o   Equivalence partitioning

o   Boundary value analysis

o   Decision table testing

o   State transition testing

o   Use case testing

·         White box testing techniques

o   Statement testing and coverage

o   Decision testing and coverage

o   Other structure based testing

·         Exploratory testing

·         Risk based testing tequniques

10.  Jmeter (free ware powerful Testing Tool)

·         Jmeter overview

·         Features of Jmeter

·         Installation

·         Recording webApplication

·         Other protocols supported

·         Scripts enrichment

·         Prameterization

·         Correlation

·         Validation checks

·         Execution

·         Setup of Generators

·         Result analysis

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