Course Details

Basics for AWS

1.      Linux Basics

·         Intro to Linux

·         Basic Commands

·         Network Configuration

·         Software Management

·         User and Group management.

2.      Networking Basics

·         IP assignment.

·         Dns(Domain name systems)

·         Service Ports usage.

·         Firewall.

·         Troubleshooting network.

·         Secure Copy and login.

3.      Storage Basics

·         Filesystem usage.

·         Mount Options.

·         Checking free space.

·         Giving permissions.

·         Increasing Filesystem space.

AWS: Basic and Advanced

4.      Introduction to Cloud & AWS

·         Defining cloud computing.

·         Cloud computing Infrastructure.

·         The requirements that need to be fulfilled to qualify as a cloud service.

·         Cloud service and deployment models.

·         Common misconceptions about cloud computing.

·         Common cloud Implementations.

·         Virtualization

5.      Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

·         Defining EC2 Instances

·         Different type of Images (AMI)

·         Storage for Instances. Volumes (EBS)

·         Security Groups

·         Creating Ec2 Instances

·         Key Pairs

6.      Identity And Access Management Techniques (IAM)

·         Creating roles .

·         Distribution of access control.

·         Giving access to users.

·         Restricting different services for users.

7.      Elastic Block Storage and S3

·         Different type of volumes/ persistent storage.

·         Maximizing output out of volumes.

·         Moving data around between instances.

·         Understanding billing aspects of volumes.

·         Creating a S3 Bucket.

·         Putting and retrieving data out of S3 bucket.

·         Giving privileges into Our S3 bucket.

8.      SNS and SQS

·         Working with simple notification system.

·         Creating a notification subscription.

·         Understanding queuing service.

·         Sending and retrieving a message to queue.

·         SNS and SQS real-time use case

9.      Networking: Setting up VPC and NAT

·         Subnets, ACLs, Routing rules.

·         Security groups at instance.

·         Creating a notification subscription.

·         Hands on -Creating a VPC.

·         Securing your network.

10.  Amazon Auto Scaling Groups

·         Launch configuration .

·         Auto scaling policies.

·         Hands On- configuration of auto-scaling rules.

·         Automatically scale Ec2 instances.

11.  Elastic IPs

·         Creation and assigning Elastic Ip.

·         Freeing Up and reassigning Ip’s.

·         Understanding cost associated with Ip’s.

12.  Orchestrating Aws Infra

·         Configuring Aws Cli.

·         Using Aws Cli to create ec2 instances and other resources.

·         Using CloudFormation to orchestrate aws Infra.

·         Introduction to other orchestration tools.


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