Course Details

Angular JS

Duration: 6/7 Weekend (Weekend Batch)


•        Knowledge of HTML/CSS is required.

•        Candidate should have good Knowledge of JavaScript and Object Oriented concepts of JS.

Basic Part

1.      JavaScript

·         Introduction

·         Variables

·         Operators and Comparisons

·         Conditional Statements and Loops

·         User Defined Functions

·         JS Objects & JS Validations

2.      The DOM Objects

·         Introduction to DOM object

·         DOM Methods

·         Access & Modify HTML through DOM

·         Event Listeners

·         DOM Navigation

·         Dynamic Content Handling

·         Session Storage

·         Local Storage

3.      Object Oriented JS

·         OOJS concept

·         Classes & Instances

·         Exception Handling in JS

·         Constructors & Inheritance

·         Encapsulation

·         Abstraction

·         Polymorphism

·         Prototype based programming

Angular JS

1.      Introduction

·         What is AngularJS?

·         Why we need Framework?

·         Pre-requisite requirement

2.      Introduction to MVS

·         Design pattern

·         AngularJS Expressions

·         AngularJS Modules

·         Creating a Module

·         Adding a Controller

·         Adding a Directive

3.      Data Binding

·         Two way binding with Model and view

·         Two way binding with view and Model

4.      Controllers

·         Understanding controller

·         Setting up initial state of a $scope object

·         Adding behavior to a Scope object

·         Associating controller with Angular scope object

·         Explicitly using angular module controller function

·         Implicitly using ng-controller or $route

·         Scope inheritance

5.      Service

·         What is angular service?

·         Why to use Services?


·         $http Service

·         $timeout Service

·         $interval Service

·         Usage of service

6.      Scopes

·         Understanding the Scope

·         Root Scope

7.      Dependency Injection

8.      Filters

·         AngularJS build in filter

·         Adding Filters to Expressions

·         Adding Filters to Directives

·         Custom filter

9.      Directives

·         AngularJS build in directives

·         Creating custom directive

·         Implementing restrictions for elements or attributes

·         Isolated scope in directive

·         Adding event listener

10.  Module

·         What is a module

·         Module loading and dependencies

11.  Providers

·         Value recipe

·         Factory recipe

·         Service recipe

·         Constant recipe

·         Provider recipe

12.  Routing

·         What is Routing

·         $routeProvider

13.  Basics of Security in AngularJS


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