Course Details

Selenium: S/W Testing Automation Tool

Duration: 8 Weeks ( Weekdays Batch)/9 Weekend(Weekend Batch)


•                    Knowledge of Manual Testing

Core Java

1.      Overview of Java

·         OOP’s , Data Types and Variables

·         Operators, Control Structures

·         Strings, Arrays

2.      Objects and Classes

·         Object, Classes and Methods

·         Method Overloading

·         Constructors

3.      Inheritance

·         Types of Inheritance

·         Method Overriding

4.      Packages and Interfaces

·         Defining Packages

·         Extending Interfaces

5.      Exception Handling

·         Fundamentals of Exception Handling

·         Exception types

·         Try and Catch and finally

·         Multiple Catch

6.      Collections Framework •

·         Collection Interfaces and Classes

·         Iterator, other Classes

Basic Selenium

1.      Introduction to Automation Testing

·         What is Automation Testing?

·         Which Test Cases to Automate?

·         Different Automation tools

·         Automation challenges & Mitigations

2.      Introduction to selenium

·         What is selenium?

·         History and various versions of selenium

·         Advantages of using Selenium over other tools.

·         Selenium components

3.      Selenium-IDE

·         Introduction

·         IDE Features

·         Building & Running  Test Cases

·         Building and Running Test Suites

4.      Selenium Web Driver 2.0

·         Why Selenium Web Driver

·         Automation Setup for Selenium Web Driver

·         Configuration of Selenium Jar using Eclipse

5.      Selenium Commands

·         What is a Driver

·         Different methods of finding element

o   By ID, By name

o   By Xpath, By Tag name

o   By class name

o   By Link text

·         Various types of operation that can be performed on any elements and how to use them.

·         capturing Screen shots

·         Handling Keyboard Event and Mouse Event

·         Multiple Window Handling

·         Pop Up Handling.

·         Preparing basic Automation Scripts and running them

·         Creating Re usable class and their implementation in creating Test Scripts

·         Parameterizing Test Scripts using Excel

·         Creating Test Suites

Advanced Selenium

1.      Framework Designing

·         What is Framework

·         What is a Framework?

·         Different Types of Framework.

·         How to Design a framework?

·         Data Driven Framework using Excel

·         Keywork Framework

·         Hybrid Framework

2.      TestNG Framework

·         Test NG & TestNG features

·         How to integrate TestNG with Eclipse

·         Test NG Annotations

·         TestNG Reporting

3.      POM Framework

·         Advantages of POM

·         How to implement

·         Using Page Object and Page Factory

4.      Reporting

·         Using Report NG for generating reports through TestNG

·         Log4j -What is Log4j, how to use it, integration of Log4j with Eclipse

5.      Build Tools -Maven

·         How to create a maven project in Eclipse

·         Maven Build Cycles.

·         How to compile and Run tests using Maven


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