Course Duration: 2 Months

Course Details

C Programming

Duration: 40 Hours                                                                                                                                   


•        Computer Fundamentals

Course Contents

1.      Introduction to C

·         Features of C

·         Applications of C

·         Programming Language Classification

2.      Keywords, Constants and Variables

·         Tokens in C

·         Variables

·         Constants

3.      Data Types in C

·         Primary Data Types

·         Secondary Data Types

·         Types of Instruction in C

4.      Operator and Expressions

·         Arithmetic &Relational Operator

·         Logical Operator

·         Increment and Decrement Operator

·         Assignment Operator

·         Size of Operator

·         Type Conversion

5.      Control Structure

·         Conditional Control Structure

·         Iterative Control Structures

·         Jumping  Control Structures

·         Multiway Control Structures

6.      Storage Classes

·         Automatic Storage Class

·         Static Storage Class

·         External Storage Class

·         Register Storage Class

7.      Functions

·         Defining a Function

·         Working of a Function

·         Types of Function

·         Recursive Function

8.      Pointers

·         Use of Pointer

·         Declaration of Pointer

·         Call by Reference

·         Operation on Pointers

·         Dereferencing of Pointer

·         Pointer to Pointer

·         Pointer to Function

9.      Arrays

·         Classification of Arrays

·         One-Dimensional Arrays

·         Multi-dimensional Arrays

·         Arrays and Functions

·         Array of Pointers

·         Limitations of an Array

·         Applications of an Array

10.  Structure

·         Defining Structure

·         Declaring Structure Variable

·         Initializing Structure Variable

·         Accessing Structure Elements

·         Nested Structure

·         Array of Structures

·         Pointers to Structures

·         Passing Structure to Function

·         Union

11.  String Handling

·         Declaration of String

·         Initialization of String

·         Reading String from Terminal

·         Reading Line of Text

·         Writing String to Screen

·         String Handling Functions

·         Other String Functions

12.  Preprocessor Directives

·         Introduction to Pre-processor

·         Working of Pre-Processor

·         Types of Pre-processor Directives

13.  File Management in C

·         Introduction to File

·         Types of File

·         Basic Operation on File

14.  Dynamic Memory Allocation

·         Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions

·         Dynamic Data Structures


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