Course Duration: 1 Month

Course Details

C# Programming (30 Hours)

Introduction to .NET Framework

·         What is .NET Framework?

·         What are components of .NET Framework?

·         IDE for .NET

1.      Writing C# classes

·         Class Basics, Constructors, Destructors

·         Using Methods in Classes

·         Properties

·         Indexers

2.      Language Fundamentals & Constructs

·         Comments, Variables, Constants

·         Controlled Structure

·         Looping Structures

3.      Inheritance and Polymorphism

·         Extending Classes

·         Constructors in Inheritance

·         Polymorphism

§  Function Overloading, Operator Overloading

§  Dynamic Polymorphism

4.      Exception Handling

·         Try, Catch, Throw

·         System Defined Exceptions

·         User Defined Exceptions

5.      Attributes & Reflection

·         User Defined Attributes

·         Predefined Attributes

·         Reflection

§  Introspection of Classes, Methods, Parameters, Properties

6.      Events & Delegates

·         Event Handling in C#

·         Delegates

§  Delegates

§  Multicasting Delegates

§  Delegate Chaining

7.      Collection Framework

·         Arraylist, List, Stack, Queue

·         IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IComparor interfaces

8.      Generics & Anonymous Methods

·         Generics in C#

·         Generics for User Defined Functions and Classes

·         Anonymous Methods

9.      Multithreading

·         Thread Class

§  Common Methods of Thread Class

·         Creating, Managing and Destroying Threads

10.  File I/O and Serialization

·         File Handling

·         Creating, Deleting files

·         Serialization

11.  XML using .NET

·         Creating XML file with .NET

·         Reading XML Document with .NET

12.  Deployment

·         XCOPY

·         CAB projects

·         Merge module

·         Click Once

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