Course Duration: 1 Month

Course Details

Module I: Core Java
2. Introduction to Java
ï‚· History of Java
ï‚· Features of Java
3. Overview of Java
 OOP’s Concept
ï‚· Data types and Variables
ï‚· Control Structures
ï‚· Strings, Arrays
4. Objects and Classes
ï‚· Object, Classes and Methods
ï‚· Method Overloading
ï‚· Constructors
ï‚· Object class
5. Inheritance
ï‚· Types of Inheritance
ï‚· Method Overriding
ï‚· Dynamic method dispatch
6. Packages and Interfaces
ï‚· Defining Packages
ï‚· Extending Interfaces
7. Exception Handling
ï‚· Fundamentals of Exception Handling
ï‚· Exception types
ï‚· Try and Catch and finally
ï‚· Throw , throws
ï‚· Custom Exception
8. Inner Class and Wrapper classes
ï‚· Inner Classes
ï‚· Static Nested Classes
ï‚· Wrapper Classes
ï‚· Anonymous Inner Classes
9. String Handling
ï‚· Creating Strings
ï‚· String handling methods
ï‚· String Buffer and String Builder
10. Input and Output in Java
ï‚· Byte streams & Character streams
ï‚· File
ï‚· Serialization
11. Collections Framework
ï‚· Collection Interfaces and Classes
ï‚· Iterators
ï‚· Comparators
12. Multithreading
ï‚· Basics of java thread
ï‚· The Thread Scheduler
ï‚· Naming a thread ,Daemon thread
ï‚· Perform single /multiple task by multiple threads
ï‚· Major Thread Concepts
ï‚· Garbage Collection
13. Reflection API
ï‚· Overview of Reflection
ï‚· Use of newIntance() method and determining the class Object
ï‚· Accessing private method or member from outside the class
14. Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces
ï‚· Use primitive versions of functional Interface
ï‚· java.util.function package
ï‚· Use binary versions of functional Interface
ï‚· Use the UnaryOperator Interface

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