Course Duration: 3 Months

Course Details

Diploma in Java Technology

Duration: 3 Months (90-100 Hrs)


·         Knowledge of C Programming.

Module I: Core Java

1.      Introduction to Java

·         History of Java

·         Features of Java

2.      Overview of Java

·         OOP’s Concept

·         Data types and Variables

·         Control Structures

·         Strings, Arrays

3.      Objects and Classes

·         Object, Classes and Methods

·         Method Overloading

·         Constructors

·         Object class

4.      Inheritance

·         Types of Inheritance

·         Method Overriding

·         Dynamic method dispatch

5.      Packages and Interfaces

·         Defining Packages

·         Extending Interfaces

6.      Exception Handling

·         Fundamentals of Exception Handling

·         Exception types

·         Try and Catch and finally

·         Throw , throws

·         Custom Exception

7.      Inner Class and Wrapper classes

·         Inner Classes

·         Static Nested Classes

·         Wrapper Classes

·         Anonymous Inner Classes

8.      String Handling

·         Creating Strings


·         String handling methods

·         String Buffer and String Builder

9.      Input and Output in Java

·         Byte streams & Character streams

·         File

·         Serialization

10.  Collections Framework

·         Collection Interfaces and Classes

·         Iterators

·         Comparators

11.  Multithreading

·         Basics of java thread

·         The Thread Scheduler

·         Naming a thread ,Daemon thread

·         Perform single /multiple  task by multiple threads

·         Major Thread Concepts

·         Garbage Collection

12.  Reflection API

·         Overview of Reflection

·         Use of newIntance() method and  determining the class Object

·         Accessing private method or member from outside the class

13.  Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces

·         Use primitive versions of functional Interface

·         java.util.function package

·         Use binary versions of functional Interface

·         Use the UnaryOperator Interface

Module II: J2EE

1.      Java Swing

·          Swing Introduction,

·         Swing Controls,

·         Swing Event classes,

·         Event Listeners,

·         Event Adapters,

·         LayoutsManagers

2.      JDBC

·         Common JDBC components

·         Steps to connect to the database using MySQL and oracle database

·         Types of JDBC statements - statements, preparedStatement and   callableStatement

·         Transactions management in JDBC

·         CRUD operation using preparedStatement

·         Calling Stored procedure using callableStatement

·         How Result Set Works in JDBC





3.      SERVLET

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