Course Details

ETL Testing – Informatica with DWH Concepts

Course Content

I.           Database/SQL

·        RDBMS Concepts

o   Data Models

o   Entity Relationship Model

o   Normalization


·        SQL Overview

o   Introduction to SQL

o   Data types

o   SELECT Statement

o   Operators

o   Pseudo Column

·        SQL Statements

o   Data Definition Language (DDL)

o   Data Manipulation Language (DML)

o   Transaction Control Language (TCL)

o   Data Control language (DCL)

·        Join

o   Inner/Equi Join

o   Non-Equi/Cross Join

o   Self Join

o   Outer Join

·        Constraints

o   Primary Key Constraint

o   Foreign Key Constraint

o   Unique Key Constraint

o   Not Null Constraint

o   Check Constraint

·        Set Operator

o   Union

o   Union All

o   Intersection

o   Minus

·        Sub Query

o   Sub/Inner Query

o   Correlated Sub Query

·        Object

o   Index

o   Synonym

o   View

·        Built-in Functions

o   Aggregate Functions

o   Character Function

o   String Functions

o   Case Manipulation Functions

o   Date Functions

o   Analytical Functions


II.           Datawarehousing/ETL

·        Datawarehousing Fundamental

o   Datawarehousing Overview

o   DWH Characteristics

o   Types of Datawarehousing

o   Data Mart

o   Database vs Data Warehouse

o   Data Mart vs Data Warehouse

o   Data Warehouse benefits

o   DWH Architecture

·        Datawarehousing Terminologies

o   Data Cleansing, Partitioning

o   Staging area, Metadata


o   Surrogate Key

o   Snapshot, View and Materialized View

o   Meta Data, Data Mining & Data Cube

·        Dimension Modeling

o   Facts and Dimensions

o   Hierarchies and Levels

o   Measures & DWH Schema

o   Star, Snow-flake and Galaxy Schema

o   Additive, Semi Additive, Non Additive Fact/Measure

·        ETL Overview

o   Process Flow of ETL

o   Types of Sources and Target

o   ETL Data Load types

o   Active vs Passive transformation

o   Extraction Methods in ETL

o   Tracing Level

o   Types of Data used for ETL Process

·        Slowly Changing Dimension

o   What is Slowly Changing Dimension?

o   SCD Types : Type-1, Type-2, Type-3

·        ETL Testing Process

o   Categories of ETL Testing

o   Types of ETL Testing

o   How to create ETL Test Case

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