Course Details

Module III: Hibernate

·         Introduction to hibernate

·         Hibernate Architecture

·         Object relational mapping (ORM)

·         Features of hibernate

·         Hibernate configuration file

·         Using JPA and Hibernate annotations

·         Hibernate object states(Transient, Persistent and Detached Objects)

·         CRUD operation in Hibernate

·         Annotation

·         Hibernate Mapping XML Configuration

·         Hibernate Catching

·         Transactions management in Hibernate

·         BLOB Object


Module III: Spring

·         Introduction to spring framework

·         Spring Bean lifecycle

·         Understanding IOC and Dependency Injection

·         Working with Bean Factory and Application Context.

·         Working with multiple configuration files

·         Advanced XML Dependency Injection

·         Dependency Injection

·         Injecting Inner Beans

·         Injecting Collection Type

·         Annotation-Based Dependency Injection

·         Spring Autowiring by Type, By Name

1.     Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with Spring

·         Introduction on Spring AOP

·         Aspect-oriented programming concepts

·         Integration with Spring IoC

·         AspectJ APIs and annotations

2.     Data Access and JDBC with Spring

·         Introduction to Spring JDBC

·         How Spring integrates with existing data access technologies

·         Spring JDBC APIs

·         Data Access  Exception hierarchy

·         Result Transformations

·         Implementing Row Mapper

·         Parameter mapping

·         Named Parameter JDBC Template

3.     Transactions management in spring.

·         Spring Declarative Transactions Management

·         Spring Programmatic transaction management

4.     Hibernate with Spring

5.     Working with Spring MVC

·         Introduction to Spring MVC framework

·         Creating many Spring MVC Web Applications

·         Writing an annotation based controller class -@Controller, @RequestMapping

·         @PathVariable annotation

·         Handling an HTML form using @RequestParam annotation

·         Understanding @ModelAttribute Annotation

·         Data Binding with Date, Collection

·         Data Binding with a User-Defined Type, BindingResult

·         @InitBinder annotation, WebDataBinder, CustomDateEditor

·         Writing your own custom property editor class

·         Form Validations


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