Course Details

MS SQL Server- Development



·         There are no pre-requisites for this course.

·         Familiar with any database concept is advantageous.

Course Contents

1.      Database Overview

·         Overview of Database

·         Components of Database System

·         Advantages of Database

·         RDBMS Concepts

·         Table, Record, Field, Column

·         Overview of DDL,DML,DCL

2.      Working with SQL Server Management Studio

·         Management Studio Work Area

·         Creating Tables

·         View Data

·         SQL Select Statement

·         SQL Data Types

3.      Restricting and Sorting Data

·         Where Clause

·         Logical Operators

·         AND, OR Operators

·         Arithmetic Operator

·         Comparison Operator

·         Logical Operators

·         IN & Between Operator

4.      SQL Functions

·         AVG

·         MAX,MIN

·         SUM etc

5.      Aggregating Data Using Group Functions

·         Group Functions

·         Group By Clause

·         HAVING Clause

6.      Subqueries

·         Single Row Subqueries

·         Multiple Row Subqueries

·         Correlated Subqueries

7.      Manipulating Data

·         INSERT Statement

·         UPDATE Statement

·         DELETE Statement

·         MERGE Statement

8.      SQL Joins

·         Inner Join

·         Left Join

·         Right Join

·         Full Outer Join


9.      Transact-SQL Programming 

·         Introduction to T-SQL

·         Programming Elements

·         Control Statement in TSQL

·         Looping Structure

10.  Cursors

·         Basics of Cursor

·         LifeCycle of Cursor

·         Types Of Cursors

·         Forward_Only and Scroll Cursors

·         Static, Dynamic and Keyset Cursors

·         Local and Global Cursors

11.  Transaction and Error Handling

·         Transactions and the Database Engine

·         Controlling Transactions

·         Isolation Levels

·         TRY / CATCH Blocks

·         Working with Error Information

12.  Stored Procedures  

·         Querying Data with Stored Procedures

·         Passing Parameters to Stored Procedures

·         Creating Simple Stored Procedures

·         Working with Dynamic SQL

13.  User Defined Functions

·         Creating and Altering Functions

·         Types Of User Defined Functions

·         Scalar Functions

·         Inline Table-Valued

·         Multi-statement Table-Valued

·         Permissions On User Defined Functions

14.  Triggers

·         Create Trigger

·         Types of Trigger

·         After Triggers

·         Instead Of Triggers




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