Course Details

Web Development with PHP & MySQL

 (Weekdays Batch)


·         There are no Pre-requisites for this course.

·         Passion to learn Web Technologies.


1.      HTML 5

·         Introduction

·         Basics, Elements , Attributes

·         Paragraphs and Formatting

·         HTML Skeleton, Links, Images

·         HTML Tables, Blocks

·         HTML Lists, Quick List

·         HTML Blocks

·         HTML Layouts  & Forms, IFrames

·         HTML Colors

·         HTML5 Intro

·         HTML5 Video

·         HTML5 Audio

·         HTML5 Input Types

·         HTML5 Form Attributes


2.      CSS / CSS3

·         Introduction

·         Syntax

·         Id & Class

·         Backgrounds

·         Text and Fonts

·         Links and Lists

·         Box Model

·         Advanced Topics

§  Dimensions ,Display

§  Positioning, Floating

§  Align

·         CSS3 Borders

·         CSS3 Backgrounds

·         CSS3 Text Effects

·         CSS3 Fonts


JavaScript & JQuery

1.      JavaScript

·         Introduction

·         Statements & Comments

·         Variables

·         Operators and Comparisons

·         Conditional Statements and Loops

·         User Defined Functions

·         JS Objects

·         JS Validations

2.      JQuery

·         Introduction

·         JQuery Syntax

·         jQuery Selectors

3.      jQuery Events


4.      jQuery Effects

·         jQuery Hide/Show

·         jQuery Fade

·         jQuery Slide

·         jQuery Animate

·         jQuery Stop()

·         jQuery callback

·         jQuery chaining

5.      jQuery HTML

·         jQuery Get/Set

·         jQuery Add/Remove

·         jQuery CSS Classes

6.      JQuery Misc

·         jQuery noConflict()



1.      How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap

·         Grid Classes

2.      Basic Tags in Bootstrap

·         Contextual colors and backgrounds

3.      Table in Bootstrap

·         Bootstrap Basic Tables

·         Striped Rows

·         Bordered Table

·         Hover Rows

·         Condensed Table

·         Contextual Classes

·         Responsive Tables

4.      Navigation bar in Bootstrap

·         Inverted Navigation Bar

·         Fixed Navigation Bar

·         Navigation Bar with Dropdown

·         Right-aligned Navigation Bar

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