Course Details

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

1. HTML Basic

·         What is Markup Language

·         Basic Structure of HTML

·         Head Section and Elements of Head Section

·         Meta Tags

·         External Link Tags

 2. HTML Elements

·         Basics, Elements , Attributes

·         Paragraphs and Formatting

·         HTML Skeleton, Links

·         The <html>, <body>, <head>, and <title> Elements

·         Creating an HTML Document

·         Basic Content Structure

·         Headings

·         Horizontal Rules 

·         Line Breaks

3. Images

·         Optimizing web graphics - JPEG, GIF & NG 

·         Getting images from Photoshop

·         Embedding Images in a Web Page

·         Using Graphics as Links

·         Using Background Images

·         Setting image properties via HTML

4.  Hyperlinks

·         Href, Name

·         Title, Target

5.  Lists

·         Creating Unordered (Bulleted) Lists

·         Creating Ordered (Numbered) Lists

·         Creating Nesting Lists

·         Creating Defination List

6. Div & Tables

·         Creating of Div Tag

·         Creating and Modifying Tables

·         Formatting Tables


·         Table Headers and Captions


7. Form

·         Name, Action, Method

·         Text, Hidden, Password

·         Radio Button, Checkbox

·         Select, Textarea

·         Submit, Reset, Button

8. HTML5 Intro

·         HTML5 Structural Elements

§  Section, Article, Aside

§  Header, Hgroup

§  Footer, Nav

·         HTML5 Content Elements

§  Figure, Figcaption, Video

§  Audio, Embed, Canvas

·         HTML5 New Application Focused Elements

o   Meter, Details, Summary

o   Progress, Time

·         HTML5 Input Types

o   Color, date, datetime

o   email, month, number

o   range, search, tel

o   time, url, week

·         HTML5 Form Attributes

o   autocomplete

o   novalidate

o   form/formaction

o   autofocus

o   multiple

o   pattern(regexp)

o   placeholder

o   required

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

1.     Understanding CSS:

•    Versions of CSS

•    Types of CSS Rules

•    CSS and Markup Languages

2.     CSS Basics:

•    Adding Styles to an HTML Tag

•    Adding Styles to a Web Page and Web Site

•    Redefining an HTML Tag

•    Defining Classes to Create Your Own Tags

•    Defining IDs to Identify an Object

•    Defining Styles with the Same Rules

•    Adding Comments to CSS

•    Style Sheet Strategies

3.     Font Properties:

•    Understanding Typography on the Web

•    Setting the Font Size

•    Making Text Italic and Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest

•    Creating Small Caps

•    Setting Multiple Font Values

4.     Text Properties

•    Adjusting Text Spacing

•    Setting Text Case

•    Aligning Text Horizontally and Vertically

•    Indenting Paragraphs

•    Setting Text and Foreground Color

•    Decorating Text

•    Setting Text Direction

•    Setting Page Breaks for Printing

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