Course Details

Web Designing (Foundation Course) 20 Hours

1.      HTML / HTML5

·         Introduction

·         Basics, Elements , Attributes

·         Paragraphs and Formatting

·         HTML Skeleton,Links, Images

·         HTML Tables, Blocks

·         HTML Lists, Quick List

·         HTML Blocks

·         HTML Layouts  & Forms, IFrames

·         HTML Colors

·         HTML5 Intro

·         HTML5 Video

·         HTML5 Audio

·         HTML5 Input Types

·         HTML5 Form Attributes

2.     CSS / CSS3

·         Introduction

·         Syntax

·         Id & Class

·         Backgrounds

·         Text and Fonts

·         Links and Lists

·         Box Model

·         Advanced Topics

§  Dimensions

§  Display

§  Positioning

§  Floating

§  Align

·         CSS3 Borders

·         CSS3 Backgrounds

·         CSS3 Text Effects

·         CSS3 Fonts


3.     JavaScript

·         Introduction

·         Statements & Comments

·         Variables

·         Operators and Comparisons

·         Conditional Statements and Loops

·         User Defined Functions

·         JS Objects

·         JS Validations

Basic PHP (25Hours)

1.      PHP Introduction and installation

2.      Syntax Overview

3.      Data types, Variables, Constants

4.      Operator Types

5.      Control structures (Loops, Conditional statements)

6.      Arrays, Strings

7.     PHP GET and POST

8.      PHP Functions-Built in/User defined

9.      Working with Forms and Validations

10.  OOPS with PHP overview

11.  Include, Require Statement

12.  File Handling, File uploading

13.  Sending mails using PHP

Advanced PHP (40 Hours)

1.      Working with Cookies

2.      Working with Sessions

3.      Database Integration

·         Connecting with Database

·         Executing queries

·         Handling Query Results

·         Handling Query Errors

·         Practice Application with Database Integration

4.      OOPS Concepts

·         Defining Classes in PHP

·         Methods, Constructor, Destructor

·         Inheritance

·         Abstract Class, Interface, Function Overriding

5.      AJAX

·         Introduction

·         XMLHttpRequest

§  Create Object

§  Request

§  Response

§  readyState

6.      JQuery (Implementation)

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