Course Duration: 1 Month

Course Details

Are you interested in Python Course Online Training? Check more about Python Course Course Outline: 1. Introduction 1.1 Understanding Open source Model 1.2 Installing Python in Linux/Windows 1.3 Understanding interpreters 1.3.1 ipython 1.3.2 bpython 1.4 Getting started with Python 1.5 Setting up IDE and various IDEs 1.6 Creating first Python Program 1.6.1 Understanding sha-bang 1.6.2 understanding .py extension 1.7 How to run Python programs 2. Types and Operators 2.1 Introduction to datatypes 2.2 Type Casting in Python 2.3 Various ways of printing 2.4 Boolean Operators 2.5 Playing with numbers 2.6 Playing with Strings 2.6.1 String Quotes 2.6.2 Raw Strings 2.7 Docstring and Comments 2.8 Accepting Inputs 3. Control Statements 3.1 Conditional Statements 3.1.1 Boolean expressions 3.1.2 Logical Operators 3.1.3 Using If condition 3.1.4 Pass 3.2 Looping Statements 3.2.1 for 3.2.2 while 3.2.3 range 3.2.4 break 3.2.5 continue 4. Lists 4.1.1 What are Lists? 4.1.2 Mutable Lists 4.1.3 In Operator 4.1.4 Traversing a List 4.1.5 List operations 4.1.6 Indexing 4.1.7 Slicing 4.1.8 Converting a List to String 4.1.9 Converting a String to List 4.1.10 Aliasing in Lists 4.1.11 Functions in Lists 5. Tuples 5.1.1 What is Tuples. 5.1.2 Indexing in Tuples 5.1.3 Slicing in Tupels 5.1.4 Immutable tupels 5.1.5 Packing and Unpacking 5.1.6 Lists and Tuples 5.1.7 Functions in Tuples 6. Dictionaries 6.1.1 What are dictionaries 6.1.2 Keys and Values 6.1.3 In Operator 6.1.4 Looping in Dictionaries 6.1.5 Lookups in Dictionaries 6.1.6 Functions in Dictionaries 6.1.7 Dictionaries versus sets 7. Functions 7.1 Function basics 7.2 Scope rules in functions 7.2.1 Global Scope 7.2.2 Local Scope 7.2.3 Locals 7.2.4 Globals 7.2.5 Global 7.3 Understanding the return key word. 7.4 Argument Passing 7.4.1 Default Argument List 7.4.2 Keyword Arguments 7.5 Understanding the docstrings 7.6 List Comprehensions 7.7 Lambda, map, filters 8. Modules 8.1 What are modules? 8.2 Understanding the namespaces 8.3 Various ways of importing 8.4 “reload” operation 8.5 Understanding about sys.path 8.6 dir() function 8.7 Understanding the __main__ and __name__ operations 8.8 Installation of a module 9. Files 9.1 Fancier Output Formatting 9.2 Reading and writing files 9.3 Methods of File Objects 9.3.1 Reading 9.3.2 Writing 9.3.3 Modify 10. Exceptions 10.1 What are exceptions 10.2 Simulating errors 10.3 Various types of exceptions 10.4 Exception handling – try, except, else, finally 10.5 Trapping errors 10.6 Raising exceptions 10.7 Customized exceptions 11. Classes 11.1 OOP: What is Object Oriented Program 11.2 Understanding Classes in Python 11.3 Methods in Classes 11.3.1 Constructor 11.3.2 Magic Method 11.4 Understanding Inheritance 11.5 Understanding Polymorphism 11.6 Understanding Encapsulation 11.7 Operator Overloading 12. Introduction to Advanced Concepts 12.1 Regular Expressions 12.2 Python Standard Library – os, sys, shutil, datetime 12.3 XML Processing 13. Advanced Python-1 13.1 Numerical Processing with Numpy 14. Advanced Python-2 14.1.1 Socket Programming – TCP/IP, Client/Server Sides, socket module 14.1.2 Threads – Thread and Threading Modules, communication and synchronization 15. Advanced Python-3 15.1.1 Python CGI 15.1.2 Web Scraping using Scrapy (Python) 15.1.3 Handling Web Pages - Introduction to Urllib and Urllib2 Module

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Trainer is 10+ years of working professional who is certified RPA and Data Science expert

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