Course Duration:2 Months

Course Details

ide allIntroduction to Python (5 topics)

  • What is PYTHON and why PYTHON is useful
  • Installing Python
  • The IDLE editor
  • How to run PYTHON programs on UNIX and Windows platform
  • A simple PYTHON Program
Python Objects (7 topics)
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Tuples
  • Working with Files
  • Labs
Python Syntax (6 topics)
  • Indentation
  • The : operator
  • If Else Elsif constructs
  • While and For Loops
  • Iteration
  • Labs
Lists & Dictionaries (6 topics)
  • What lists are
  • What dictionaries are
  • Assigning to lists / dictionaries
  • Accessing elements of a list or dictionary
  • List / dictionary iteration
  • Labs
Functions (6 topics)
  • Creating Functions
  • Def Statement
  • Calling functions
  • Scoping variables
  • Passing arguments
  • Labs
Modules (6 topics)
  • What is a module
  • Standard modules
  • How to define and code a module
  • Using import
  • Argument passing and return values from a module
  • Labs
Pattern Matching (10 topics)
  • The re module
  • How pattern matching works
  • Pattern matching operators
  • Pattern matching special characters
  • Labs Part 1
  • Pattern matching options
  • Pattern substitution
  • Pattern tagging
  • Translation
  • Labs Part 2
Python OO (6 topics)
  • Why use OO
  • Creating a simple class
  • Inheritance
  • Passing data into a class
  • More complex classes
  • Labs
Exceptions (6 topics)
  • What are exceptions
  • Default Handler
  • Catch/Try/Raise Statements
  • Class Based Exceptions
  • What Not To Do
  • Labs
Documentation (4 topics)
  • Docstrings using __doc__
  • PyDOC Tool
  • Testing scripts using docstrings
  • Labs

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