Course Duration:2 Months

Course Details

Introduction of automation testing

  • · Benefits of automation testing
  • · Introduction of selenium
  • · Difference between selenium and QTP
  • · Selenium components
  • · Limitations of selenium
  • · Basics of Java using Eclipse
o Core java basicso OOPs conceptso Methodso Object and class.o Loopso Constructor
  • · Difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC and WebDriver?
  • · Introduction of selenium WebDriver
  • · What is WebDriver
  • · Exploring WebDriver java docs Downloading · Locators in selenium
  • · Drivers in WebDriver
  • · Open Google home page through WebDriver
  • · Waits in WebDriver
  • o Exploring more features of WebDriver
o WebDriver Features & Examples Handling HTML Elements such as: Text box,o Hyperlinks, Submit buttons, Radio buttons, Checkboxes, Dropdown etco Finding Elements & text on a Webpageo Printing all links and other values from a web page and HTML Elementso Using By class to find elements using different methods Implement global waito Running test in multiple browsers
  • · WebDriver features
o Simulating keypress events such as buttons Enter, page up, page down,o backspace etc. Handling javascript messageso Handling drop downo Navigation in WebDrivero WebElement list Web Page titleo Mouseover using WebDrivero CSS properties of an elemento Capture screenshoto Read test data from excelo Write data in excelo Read test data from property fileo Generating your own Xpathso Handling multiple pop ups/tabs.o Handling Mouse overo Handling iframe and menus
· TestNG JAVA FRAMEWORK & REPORTS Generationo About JUnit and TestNGo What is a Java frameworko Test Annotationso Executing the tests in sequenceo Assertionso Listenerso How to parameterized our test caseo Page Objects Model's Implementation using Pages.o Test data files creationo Test page creationo Test class creationo Screenshot capturingo Implementation of Selenium with Test NG in Maven Projecto Emailing test resultso Generating Reportso Running live project using hybrid Framework 

Page Object Model Creation of pages as an Object Repository Implementation of Page factory and its annotations Integration POM with Selenium Frameworks Selenium Grid Creation of HUB and Nodes Implementation of Parallel testing Additional Topics Maven with Selenium Jenkins with Selenium Appium with Selenium RESTAPI with Selenium Integration of selenium with other third party tools AutoIT, ROBOT class, Sikulli etc.Interview Questions And Preparation.

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