Course Duration: 1 Week

Course Details

Learn something new on this Summer Holidays!

Course 1 : Become CCTV expert in 5 Days!

Course 2: Certified  Training Programs in Robotics

Summer is the perfect time to expand your horizons by learning something new. Learning new things will make you feel empowered, intelligent, and productive, as well as give you insight into new cultures and ideas. Learning new skills can also contribute to success in your career. Use your summer to its’ fullest potential, and add some flavor to your life!

To Register  goo.gl/VFECuK


Anybody can learn! Easy to learn! Technical expertise not required! No age limit.


For more details walk in

IPCS Automation,

Sheffield Towers, 3rd Floor,

A1/97, Sidco Nagar,4th street,

Villivakkam, Chennai-49.

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IT Courses / Govt Exam Preparation
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