Course Details

Technex IIT BHU | EISystems
Want to make your own app?
Unable to find any good trainer for App development?
Planning to start any app based venture?
If you are having any of the questions given above lying in your mind then you can surely start with joining of this online course on
Android Application Development 
where you will be making 20+ Applications in course duration.
Register Immediately! Pay NowBatch Starting Date:
You can start as per your convienence.

Fees is Rs. 1100 only
(To be paid only once for complete course)

Requirements1. Basics of Java or C++ or Object Oriented Programming
2. Internet Connectivity & Laptop/Smart Phone/Tablet for training.
What you will get :-1. 22 hours On Demand Video on Mobile / Tablet / TV.
2. Lifetime Access to study material.
3. You can access this course on Mobile, Tablets & TVs.
4. Certificate of Internship from Technex IIT BHU Varanasi.5. Entrepreneurship Development Support6. Chance to assist our trainer in our workshop(s) in IITs, IISc or any      prestigious institution.
Overview of Course & Message from Trainer

Welcome to Professional Android App Development Training , This course is the essence of my past 11+ years experience on Mobile Application programming and Java.

After delivering 100 + workshops in institutions like IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, IIT BHU Varanasi, NIT Warangal, NIT Tiruchirappalli, NIT Surathkal etc and given training to more than 25,000+ students and programmers Across India, I created this course and usually I add new video tutorials with brand new topics.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

-- Albert Einstein

In this course you will learn how to convert your imagination into programming. you will learn key concept first in Java and then will learn Complete Android Programming with 15+ projects. All the essential topics are covered in this course with full details.

This course is about Android Programming, and contain full practical approach of creating Android application. This course contain videos, pdf and source code of practical on android programming.

This course is structured into Sections and topic wise, starting from the basic of Java, Installation of Eclipse and Android Studio, Basic of Android , Designing components in Android types of Services and lot of topics that will helpful in your professional Programming in Android

You should take this course if you want to became hard core Android programmer, if you are working in Android Project and need help on the particular topic on Android.

Who is the target audience?

  • For Geeks who always want to learn code.
  • For novice want to build career as an Android Developer
  • For professional who wants to handle Android projects.
  • Not for those who is not having programming knowledge.

Topics to be covered in this course

1.   Course Introduction and About Instructor2.   Java Refreshment3.   Theoretical and Practical approach to Android Technology4.   Learn to Manage Android Life Cycle5.   User Interface Component available in Android6.   External and Internal Storage Option in Android : SDCard7.   Intent and Intent Filter8.   TabHost9.   Create interactive Menu10. Working with Fonts11. AsynTask : for resource intensive Asynchronous Task.12. Preferences , modify and persist your settings.13. Services , a viewless activity14. Web Services15. Checking Internet Connection16. BroadCastReceiver17. Displaying Bitmap Efficiently18. Notification, notify your user19. SMS, send text message20. Project : Creating a SMS Service Application21. Media , play your media files22. SQLite, connect to your device database.23. Media Controller , play your video files24. Gestures , read gesture from screen25. Dialog , Simple and customize26. Animations , play and create.27. Google Map V2 , locate location in Map

28. Project: Where are you Android App (Bonus Section)


Register Immediately! Pay NowBatch Starting Date: 
You can start as per your convienence.

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