Course Details

The market chain in horticulture : Part 1 - Masterclass
"If you are operating in a fresh produce value chain (which is fruits, vegetables and flowers) it is important that you understand the business and quality dynamics along the entire chain (from seed to the mouth). This 3-part masterclass is designed to provide you with a good understanding on how the quality of the fresh produce can be influenced, measured and delivered to meet the specific needs of the end-consumers. In this part specific elements related to managing, measuring and delivering quality in fresh produce chains will be discussed through 13 micro learning videos by the industry thought leader Prof. Dr. Olaf van Kooten. Targeted at farm managers, professionals working in wholesale and retail category managers in fresh produce industry.Specifically, you can expect to master your ability to action learning outcomes covering the following areas:Tools and approaches for measuring quality of fresh produceThe concept of quality controlled logistics and approaches to managing quality from production to consumption
If managing quality along the fresh produce chain happens to be one of your key responsibility you can gain a great deal of insight from the frameworks and case situations discussed in this recording piece. The topical subjects have been carefully modularised and made interesting from a learning and application point of view. Who can benefit from it? Professionals working in or related to logistics Growers and buying operating in processing and retail3) Students preparing for their internship interviews 4) Entrepreneurs looking to build a fool proof supply chain for delivering their value propositionAgrbusiness Academy custom designs a range of products to suit the specific learning demands of your food and agribusiness organisation. It can be for your own professionals, your suppliers or your customers. For understanding how Agribusiness Academy can be of help do reach out to or"

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